Course Content
Click on each session link below to find videos, notes,
activity descriptions and more related to topics covered.
This content is for course participants only.
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Session One
Introductions and Setting the Stage for Pleasure
Explore your fantasies and what turns you on – music, erotica, sensual bath . . . ?
Session Two
Vulva Diversity, Pleasure Anatomy, and Genital Show and Tell
On your own: Look at your vulva in a mirror and describe what you see. -
Session Three
Breath, Touch, Penetration, and Vulva Massage
Explore what kind of touch feels good, remember to breath, and use those PC muscles -
Session Four
Masturbation Techniques and Self-Pleasure
Explore different ways to masturbate and discover what you like best -
Session Five
Final Share, Questions, and Erotic Recess Option
After you’ve completed the workshop, you’ll be invited to attend Laura’s online Erotic Recess with other Bodysex women and leaders.